General Resources for Macroeconomics and Financial Economics
Brendan Price with resources for PhD students
Pavel Solís with a wide array of recommended resources
Shanjun Li with resources for PhD students
Masayuki Kudamatsu with tips for economists
Alex Albright with resources focusing on R and data science
Awesome Economics with a collection of links for economists
Christine Cai with a collection of links
Guillaume Dalle with a collection, mostly in French
Chris Blattman with a great collection of personal advice
Econ Grad Advice with a frequently updated list
Mental Health
Noah Smith with a few thoughts on depression
Scott Cunningham on struggles of Econ PhD students
Scott Cunningham on hidden curriculum: mental health and success
Frank Schilbach on how to protect your mental health
Teresa Esteban-Casanelles on mental health and the job market
Learning your Production Function
Life Advice
Paul Graham on how to do great work
Sahil Bloom with the most powerful life hacks
CJ Casselli with a Personal Productivity Playbook
Ryan Holiday on 33 Things to keep in mind
David Perell on Not Killing Time
Rudyard Kipling with paternal life advice
Tyler Cowen on his production function
Pmarca guide to personal productivity
Lifehacker on how to make time slow down
Talking Points for Life on how to communicate effectively
Daily routines of a lot of people
General Pipeline
Paul Graham on Maker's schedule vs. Manager's Schedule
Greg Mankiw on his rules of thumb
R. W. Hamming on striving for greatness in all you do
Avinash Dixit on his research system
Peter Diamond on his general research strategy
David N. Weil with his pep talk on research
Paul Niehaus on doing research
Brendan Price on organizing data for economics research
Hacker Stations, a collection of sample workspaces
Alma A. Bezares Calderon with a research guide
Ricardo Dahis with advice for academic research
Lasse Pedersen on how to succeed in academia
Grad Life
Interfluidity on how higher education is right-wing
Deirdre McCloskey on how to be a good graduate student
Eric Zwick on the 12-step program for graduate school
Alex Zentefis on general PhD advice
Laura Blattner on 15 rules to help you make it through grad school
Matthew Pearson on how to survive your first year
Reddit on how to write good emails
Working on Projects
Navigating AI
Ingar Haaland on integrating ChatGPT into your research
Ethan Mollick on 15 Times to use AI, and 5 Not to
Generating Ideas
Brendan Price on how to read papers
Steve Pischke on getting started on research in economics
Amy Finkelstein on how her most projects fail
Don Davis on getting started on your thesis
David Perell on avoiding cliche ideas
Ben Olken on failed projects
Crowdsourced list of small grants
Matthew O. Jackson & Laura Razzolini on NSF Funding
Alex Lang with NSF GRFP Examples
Literature Review
Semantic Scholar, AI-powered research tool
Connected Papers for exploring in a visual graph
Shyam Raman on a better lit review workflow
Elicit on AI-powered searches for papers
Perlego Books for searching for excerpts
Mitchell Peterson on clustering standard errors
Merely Useful on Research Software Engineering with Python
Malcolm Wardlaw on Stata programming
Marco Sammon on using Python for text analysis
Library of Statistical Techniques for working across languages
Walter Zhang with an intro to using the cluster at Chicago Booth
Arthur Turrell with coding for economists
Stata & R with a side-by-side comparison
Julian Reif with a Stata coding guide
Michael Sinkinson on Better 13F Data
Blog with very useful insights on financial data
Dataset search enabled by Google
Search engine for finding papers using specific methods and data
Historical Data Library by Investor Amnesia
I3 Open Dataset with datasets on innovation
Find Economic Articles with Data plus automatic Stata replications
Pietro Biroli with a list of datasets
Martin Halla with a list of micro-data
Lenore Palladino with a economic and policy data dashboard
Milton Financial Market Research Institute with a Historical Data Vendor List
Project Management
Chris Goodman on project management using Notion
Jeremy Caplan with 100+ useful tools with tools for better thinking
Jeremy Caplan with 10 tools for deep work
Red Gregory on using Notion for maximal impact
Maya Gosztyla on paper management system using Zotero and Notion
Writing & Presenting Your Work
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham on presentations in beamer
Keith Head on regression tables
Arpit Gupta with some advice on framing the work
Academic Phrasebank, a database of common phrases used in papers
Josh Kaufman on how to ask useful questions
Adam Guren on structuring your talk
Shengwu Li on how to give an economic theory talk
Jesse Shapiro on giving an applied micro talk
Rachael Meager on public speaking for academic economists
Jonathan Shewchuk on giving an academic talk
Rochelle Terman on building an academic web presence
Anne M. Burton and Barton Willage with a list of economics conferences
Andrew Lo on home studio setup
Kjetil Storesletten with ten commandments for how to give a seminar
Rachael Meager on public speaking for academic economists
Monika Piazzesi with tips on how to avoid disaster in presentations
Keith Head, Don Cox, and David Evans on writing your introduction
John Cochrane on writing tips for PhD students
Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz on writing your job market paper
Michael Kremer on the checklist when writing papers
Michael Roberts on writing
Tatyana Deryugina on writing, especially the JMP
Jesse Shapiro on four steps to an applied micro paper
Plamen Nikolov on writing tips for economics research
Figures & Tables
Eric Zwick on the art of creating graphs
Jonathan A. Schwabish's AEA article, NBER lecture, and book
Claus O. Wilke on Fundamentals of Data Visualization
Nicolas P. Rougier on visualization using Python + Matplotlib
Franconeri et al. on how to visualize complex data
Marketing & Networking
Michael Ewens on job market presence and online presence
Susan Athey on networking
Curated list of minimalist websites
Online Presence
The Health Inequality Project by Team Chetty
Social Capital Atlas by Team Chetty-Jackson-Kuchler-Stroebel
Opportunity Insights by Team Chetty
Demand System Asset Pricing by Team Koijen-Yogo
Public Debt Valuation Project by Team Lustig-Van Nieuwerburgh
The Global Capital Allocation Project by Team Neiman
Open Source Asset Pricing by Team Chen-Zimmermann
Realtime Inequality by Team Blanchet-Saez-Zucman
Global Factor Data by Team Jensen-Kelly-Pedersen
Diffusion of Disruptive Technologies by Team Bloom
Economic Policy Uncertainty by Team Baker-Bloom-Davis
Firm-Level Risk by Team Hassan-Hollander-vanLent-Tahoun
Founding Patents: Young Firm Innovation by Team Ewens-Marx
Pricing the Calendar by Team Vissing-Jorgensen
Matt Ayres on revising in response to referee comments
Tatyana Deryugina on how to be a constructive referee
Alex Edmans on learnings from 1,000 rejections
Journal Turnaround Times for Economics and Finance
Tips for Authors from Rene Stulz
Reply-to-referee template from Paolo Crosetto
Evaluating Other Work
Chris Blattman on the art of discussing
James Choi on how to give a good paper discussion
Sample Discussions
Macro & Macro Finance
Monika Piazzesi, Daniel Greenwald, Itamar Drechsler, Urban Jermann, John Cochrane, Lawrence Schmidt, Jonathan Parker, Nicolas Crouzet, Amir Kermani, Annette Vissing-Jorgensen, Hanno Lustig, Gabriel Chodorow-Reich,Princeton MMF Reading Group, Fabrice Tourre, Eric Swanson, Wenhao Li, Robert Hall, Anton Korinek, Lars Svensson, Valentin Haddad
Financial Intermediation
Juliane Begenau, Konstantin Milbradt, Matteo Crosignani, Thomas Mertens, Kunal Sachdeva
Household / Public Finance
Arpit Gupta, Emil Verner, Christopher Palmer, Anthony DeFusco, Lorenz Kueng, Amir Kermani, Jialan Wang, Sasha Indarte, Kristoph Kleiner, Erica Jiang, Paul Willen, Jonathan Parker
Empirical Asset Pricing / Investments
Kent Daniel, Stefan Nagel, Eben Lazarus, Christian Julliard, Nancy Xu,
"J" Jiacui Li, Rohit Allena, Daniele Bianchi, Jon Reuter, Vincent Bogousslavsky,
Valentin Haddad,
Ehsan Azarmsa,
Markus Ibert
International Macro & Trade
Oleg Itskhoki, Nelson Camanho, Tarek Hassan, Dmitry Mukhin, Fabrizio Perri
Corporate Finance
Moqi Groen-Xu, Adair Morse, Shaun William Davies, Isaac Hacamo
Behavioral Finance
David Solomon
Preston McAfee on working as an editor
Professional Code
Anthony Lee Zhang on social norms in US academia
Ivo Welch on some observations about the PhD Market
Daniel S. Hamermash on professional etiquette
Josh Spector with one-sentence Email tips
Lukas Mergele on bilateral meetings with senior researchers
Applying for PhD
Anthony Lee Zhang on math classes for economics/finance PhD
Econ RA Guide
Andrew Johnston on optimizing PhD placement (here), deciding where to go (here), and making the most out of grad school (here)
Mianish Jha on business PhD admission
Samantha N. Smith on business PhD admission
Chris Blattman on writing the statement of purpose
Academic Job Market
Chris Blattman on academic job market advice*
John Cawley on the academic job market
Eric Zwick on how he learned to stop worrying and love the job market
David Laibson with his job market advice
Adam Guren with his job market advice
Jonathan Parker with his job market advice
Andrew Johnston on how to dress for a job market interview
Sasha Indarte on how to organize the job market information
Manish Jha with Finance Job Market Advice based on 2020-21 experience
David Schindler on the European job market
Tatyana Deryugina with a suggested job market timeline
Alex Albright with details on job market experience
Kelsi Hobbs with an example job market package
Duarte Gonçalves on the job market package
Job market tips and interview prep by Kim Cramer and Kerry Siani
Antonio Cabrales with a general overview of job market in economics
David Schindler on interviews and flyouts
David Schindler on negotiations and offers
Lizbeth De La Cruz Santana with sample job market prep materials
Claudia Goldin and Larry Katz on negotiations and offers
Wenhao Sun on how to be the #1 pick in an R1 faculty search
Wei Yang Tham on on guide to postodcs in econ/management
Faculty Life
Tyler Ransom on tips for new tenure-track professors
Chris Blattman on writing recommendation letters
Brendan Nyhan on navigating academic career
Google Sheets List of University Salary Websites
Non-Academic Job Market
Scarlet Chen on her journey from Econ PhD to Tech
Rose Tan on her journey from Econ PhD to Tech
Rose Tan with a panel discussion of perspectives from economists in Tech
AEA Career Development Webinars with useful fireside chats
Matthew Hom on private sector jobs for Economics PhDs
Derek Snow with ML and Quant Finance resources
Giuseppe Paleologo with Buy-Side Quant Job Advice
Teaching Help
EconGraphs for interactive graphs and explanations
Teaching Notes
PhD Notes
Jesús Fernández-Villaverde on macro, finance, and economic history
Adrien Matray, Michael Roberts on empirical corporate finance
Itay Goldstein on theoretical corporate finance
Matthieu Gomez on macro finance
Luke Taylor on structural estimation in corporate finance
Ralph Koijen on empirical asset pricing
Francesco Franzoni on empirical asset pricing
Adriano Rampini on financial intermediation theory
Jun Pan on asset pricing and financial markets
David Backus on asset pricing with a focus on macro
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham on applied methods
Manish Jha with a summary of key finance papers
Grant McDermott on data science for economists
Chris Conlon on graduate level IO
Matt Woerman on topics in advanced econometrics
Florian Oswald on computational economics using Julia
Robert A. Miller on structural econometrics
Wenhao Li on techniques for macro finance
Annie Liang on information and learning
Victor Chernozhukov and Ivan Fernandez-Val on graduate-level econometrics
Paul Söderlind on financial econometrics
Lasse Heje Pedersen on big data asset pricing
Matteo Courthoud with a collection of causal inference resources
Master's Notes
Julien Pénasse on macro and international finance
Kevin Sheppard on MFE Financial Econometrics
Undergrad Notes
Saki Bigio on monetary and financial architectures
General Notes
IMF Back to Basics
Page One Economics
History of Economic Thought
Language, Confusion, and Models in Empirical Economics
Open-sourced macro modelsused by central baks and agencies
Literature Review
Perspectives in sustainable equity investing by Guillaume Coqueret
Machine Learning for Factor Investing by Guillaume Coqueret
Quantitative Finance
J. A. Dobelman with notes on quantitative finance and statistics
OMI Research Newsletter for latest quant research
Econ & Finance Books
Financial Times: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
Bloomberg: 2019, 2018, 2017a, 2017b
The Economist: 2018
Andrew Lo on the best finance books
The Pequod with reviews of best fiction and non-fiction
Research Digests
NBER Digest featuring non-technical summaries
Chicago Booth Review
VOX, CEPR's Policy Portal
AEA Research Highlights
Economic Synopses
Poverty Action Lab with Policy Insights
Productivity Tools
Reddit List of useful known websites
Compilation of tasks that AI can do today
Paul Graham, American computer scientist and writer
Gwern Branwen, a pseudonymous independent researcher
Zhengdong Wang, a research engineer
Cool Stuff
Food timeline that makes food history fun
Compilation of useful twitter threads
Musical time machine that makes discovering music fun
Musclewiki for simplifying workouts
1000 best tools vetted and maintained by humans
Area vibes for finding the best places to live
Close City to search based on distance to amenities
Standard Ebooks for better formatted e-books
50 simple things for a minimalist life
Vetted for summaries of trustworthy reviews
Relationship advice from 500 years
Numbeo for comparing the cost of living
Nifty Calendar for printing out an entire year on one page
BookPecker for books summarized in 5 bullet points
Library of Short Stories for reading and downloading public short stories
The Infatuation for better food and restaurant guides
Custom computer screens for taking strategic breaks
Giga Brain for reddit-based answers
Same Energy for finding images with similar energy
How Products Are Made for details behind the manufacturing process of a wide variety of products
Muscle Wiki for your workout information
Exploding Topics to surface rapidly growing topics before they take off
Learn About by Google to study any topic you want to learn
DrawingNow for free drawing lessons
WFH NYC for best remote work spots in NYC
Light Wiki for a beautiful, lightweight Wikipedia replacement
Travel tips from a veteran traveler
Random streams of unedited and unnamed Youtube videos