
  • General Resources for Macroeconomics and Financial Economics
  • Brendan Price with resources for PhD students
  • Pavel Solís with a wide array of recommended resources
  • Shanjun Li with resources for PhD students
  • Masayuki Kudamatsu with tips for economists
  • Alex Albright with resources focusing on R and data science
  • Awesome Economics with a collection of links for economists
  • Christine Cai with a collection of links
  • Guillaume Dalle with a collection, mostly in French
  • Chris Blattman with a great collection of personal advice
  • Econ Grad Advice with a frequently updated list
  • Mental Health

  • Noah Smith with a few thoughts on depression
  • Scott Cunningham on struggles of Econ PhD students
  • Scott Cunningham on hidden curriculum: mental health and success
  • Frank Schilbach on how to protect your mental health
  • Teresa Esteban-Casanelles on mental health and the job market
  • Learning your Production Function

    Life Advice

  • Paul Graham on how to do great work
  • Ryan Holiday on 33 Things to keep in mind
  • David Perell on Not Killing Time
  • Rudyard Kipling with paternal life advice
  • Tyler Cowen on his production function
  • Pmarca guide to personal productivity
  • Lifehacker on how to make time slow down
  • Talking Points for Life on how to communicate effectively
  • General Pipeline

  • Paul Graham on Maker's schedule vs. Manager's Schedule
  • Greg Mankiw on his rules of thumb
  • R. W. Hamming on striving for greatness in all you do
  • Avinash Dixit on his research system
  • Peter Diamond on his general research strategy
  • David N. Weil with his pep talk on research
  • Paul Niehaus on doing research
  • Brendan Price on organizing data for economics research
  • Hacker Stations, a collection of sample workspaces
  • Alma A. Bezares Calderon with a research guide
  • Ricardo Dahis with advice for academic research
  • Lasse Pedersen on how to succeed in academia
  • Grad Life

  • Interfluidity on how higher education is right-wing
  • Deirdre McCloskey on how to be a good graduate student
  • Eric Zwick on the 12-step program for graduate school
  • Alex Zentefis on general PhD advice
  • Laura Blattner on 15 rules to help you make it through grad school
  • Matthew Pearson on how to survive your first year
  • Reddit on how to write good emails

  • Working on Projects

    Navigating AI

  • Ingar Haaland on integrating ChatGPT into your research
  • Generating Ideas

  • Brendan Price on how to read papers
  • Steve Pischke on getting started on research in economics
  • Amy Finkelstein on how her most projects fail
  • Don Davis on getting started on your thesis
  • David Perell on avoiding cliche ideas
  • Ben Olken on failed projects
  • Funding

  • Crowdsourced list of small grants
  • Matthew O. Jackson & Laura Razzolini on NSF Funding
  • Literature Review

  • Semantic Scholar, AI-powered research tool
  • Connected Papers for exploring in a visual graph
  • Shyam Raman on a better lit review workflow
  • Elicit on AI-powered searches for papers
  • Perlego Books for searching for excerpts
  • Coding

  • Mitchell Peterson on clustering standard errors
  • Merely Useful on Research Software Engineering with Python
  • Malcolm Wardlaw on Stata programming
  • Marco Sammon on using Python for text analysis
  • Library of Statistical Techniques for working across languages
  • Walter Zhang with an intro to using the cluster at Chicago Booth
  • Arthur Turrell with coding for economists
  • Stata & R with a side-by-side comparison
  • Julian Reif with a Stata coding guide
  • Data

  • Michael Sinkinson on Better 13F Data
  • Blog with very useful insights on financial data
  • Dataset search enabled by Google
  • Search engine for finding papers using specific methods and data
  • Historical Data Library by Investor Amnesia
  • I3 Open Dataset with datasets on innovation
  • Find Economic Articles with Data plus automatic Stata replications
  • Pietro Biroli with a list of datasets
  • Martin Halla with a list of micro-data
  • Lenore Palladino with a economic and policy data dashboard
  • Milton Financial Market Research Institute with a Historical Data Vendor List
  • Project Management

  • Chris Goodman on project management using Notion
  • Jeremy Caplan with 100+ useful tools
  • with tools for better thinking
  • Jeremy Caplan with 10 tools for deep work
  • Red Gregory on using Notion for maximal impact
  • Maya Gosztyla on paper management system using Zotero and Notion

  • Writing & Presenting Your Work


  • Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham on presentations in beamer
  • Keith Head on regression tables
  • Arpit Gupta with some advice on framing the work
  • Academic Phrasebank, a database of common phrases used in papers
  • Attending

  • Josh Kaufman on how to ask useful questions
  • Presenting

  • Adam Guren on structuring your talk
  • Shengwu Li on how to give an economic theory talk
  • Jesse Shapiro on giving an applied micro talk
  • Rachael Meager on public speaking for academic economists
  • Jonathan Shewchuk on giving an academic talk
  • Rochelle Terman on building an academic web presence
  • Anne M. Burton and Barton Willage with a list of economics conferences
  • Andrew Lo on home studio setup
  • Kjetil Storesletten with ten commandments for how to give a seminar
  • Rachael Meager on public speaking for academic economists
  • Monika Piazzesi with tips on how to avoid disaster in presentations
  • Manuscript

  • Keith Head, Don Cox, and David Evans on writing your introduction
  • John Cochrane on writing tips for PhD students
  • Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz on writing your job market paper
  • Michael Kremer on the checklist when writing papers
  • Michael Roberts on writing
  • Tatyana Deryugina on writing, especially the JMP
  • Jesse Shapiro on four steps to an applied micro paper
  • Plamen Nikolov on writing tips for economics research
  • Figures & Tables

  • Eric Zwick on the art of creating graphs
  • Jonathan A. Schwabish's AEA article, NBER lecture, and book
  • Claus O. Wilke on Fundamentals of Data Visualization
  • Nicolas P. Rougier on visualization using Python + Matplotlib
  • EconGraphs with interactive visualizations
  • Franconeri et al. on how to visualize complex data

    Marketing & Networking

  • Michael Ewens on job market presence and online presence
  • Susan Athey on networking
  • Curated list of minimalist websites
  • Online Presence

  • The Health Inequality Project by Team Chetty
  • Social Capital Atlas by Team Chetty-Jackson-Kuchler-Stroebel
  • Opportunity Insights by Team Chetty
  • Demand System Asset Pricing by Team Koijen-Yogo
  • Public Debt Valuation Project by Team Lustig-Van Nieuwerburgh
  • The Global Capital Allocation Project by Team Neiman
  • Open Source Asset Pricing by Team Chen-Zimmermann
  • Realtime Inequality by Team Blanchet-Saez-Zucman
  • Global Factor Data by Team Jensen-Kelly-Pedersen
  • Diffusion of Disruptive Technologies by Team Bloom
  • Economic Policy Uncertainty by Team Baker-Bloom-Davis
  • Firm-Level Risk by Team Hassan-Hollander-vanLent-Tahoun
  • Founding Patents: Young Firm Innovation by Team Ewens-Marx
  • Pricing the Calendar by Team Vissing-Jorgensen
  • Publishing

  • Matt Ayres on revising in response to referee comments
  • Tatyana Deryugina on how to be a constructive referee
  • Alex Edmans on learnings from 1,000 rejections
  • Journal Turnaround Times for Economics and Finance
  • Evaluating Other Work


  • Chris Blattman on the art of discussing
  • James Choi on how to give a good paper discussion
  • Sample Discussions

    Macro & Macro Finance

    Monika Piazzesi, Daniel Greenwald, Itamar Drechsler, Urban Jermann, John Cochrane, Lawrence Schmidt, Jonathan Parker, Nicolas Crouzet, Amir Kermani, Annette Vissing-Jorgensen, Hanno Lustig, Gabriel Chodorow-Reich,Princeton MMF Reading Group, Fabrice Tourre, Eric Swanson, Wenhao Li, Robert Hall, Anton Korinek, Lars Svensson

    Financial Intermediation

    Juliane Begenau, Konstantin Milbradt, Matteo Crosignani, Thomas Mertens, Kunal Sachdeva

    Household / Public Finance

    Arpit Gupta, Emil Verner, Christopher Palmer, Anthony DeFusco, Lorenz Kueng, Amir Kermani, Jialan Wang, Sasha Indarte, Kristoph Kleiner, Erica Jiang, Paul Willen, Jonathan Parker

    Empirical Asset Pricing / Investments

    Kent Daniel, Stefan Nagel, Eben Lazarus, Christian Julliard, Nancy Xu, "J" Jiacui Li, Rohit Allena, Daniele Bianchi, Jon Reuter, Vincent Bogousslavsky

    International Macro & Trade

    Oleg Itskhoki, Nelson Camanho, Tarek Hassan, Dmitry Mukhin, Fabrizio Perri

    Corporate Finance

    Moqi Groen-Xu, Adair Morse, Shaun William Davies, Isaac Hacamo

    Behavioral Finance

    David Solomon


  • Preston McAfee on working as an editor

  • Others

    Professional Code

  • Anthony Lee Zhang on social norms in US academia
  • Ivo Welch on some observations about the PhD Market
  • Daniel S. Hamermash on professional etiquette
  • Josh Spector with one-sentence Email tips
  • Lukas Mergele on bilateral meetings with senior researchers
  • Applying for PhD

  • Anthony Lee Zhang on math classes for economics/finance PhD
  • Econ RA Guide
  • Andrew Johnston on optimizing PhD placement (here), deciding where to go (here), and making the most out of grad school (here)
  • Mianish Jha on business PhD admission
  • Samantha N. Smith on business PhD admission
  • Chris Blattman on writing the statement of purpose
  • Academic Job Market

  • Chris Blattman on academic job market advice*
  • John Cawley on the academic job market
  • Eric Zwick on how he learned to stop worrying and love the job market
  • David Laibson with his job market advice
  • Adam Guren with his job market advice
  • Jonathan Parker with his job market advice
  • Andrew Johnston on how to dress for a job market interview
  • Sasha Indarte on how to organize the job market information
  • Manish Jha with Finance Job Market Advice based on 2020-21 experience
  • David Schindler on the European job market
  • Tatyana Deryugina with a suggested job market timeline
  • Alex Albright with details on job market experience
  • Kelsi Hobbs with an example job market package
  • Duarte Gonçalves on the job market package
  • Job market tips and interview prep by Kim Cramer and Kerry Siani
  • Antonio Cabrales with a general overview of job market in economics
  • David Schindler on interviews and flyouts
  • David Schindler on negotiations and offers
  • Lizbeth De La Cruz Santana with sample job market prep materials
  • Claudia Goldin and Larry Katz on negotiations and offers
  • PostDoc

  • Wei Yang Tham on on guide to postodcs in econ/management
  • Faculty Life

  • Tyler Ransom on tips for new tenure-track professors
  • Chris Blattman on writing recommendation letters
  • Brendan Nyhan on navigating academic career
  • Google Sheets List of University Salary Websites
  • Non-Academic Job Market

  • Scarlet Chen on her journey from Econ PhD to Tech
  • Rose Tan on her journey from Econ PhD to Tech
  • Rose Tan with a panel discussion of perspectives from economists in Tech
  • AEA Career Development Webinars with useful fireside chats
  • Matthew Hom on private sector jobs for Economics PhDs
  • Derek Snow with ML and Quant Finance resources
  • Giuseppe Paleologo with Buy-Side Quant Job Advice

  • Teaching Notes

    PhD Notes

  • Jesús Fernández-Villaverde on macro, finance, and economic history
  • Adrien Matray, Michael Roberts on empirical corporate finance
  • Itay Goldstein on theoretical corporate finance
  • Matthieu Gomez on macro finance
  • Luke Taylor on structural estimation in corporate finance
  • Ralph Koijen on empirical asset pricing
  • Francesco Franzoni on empirical asset pricing
  • Adriano Rampini on financial intermediation theory
  • Jun Pan on asset pricing and financial markets
  • David Backus on asset pricing with a focus on macro
  • Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham on applied methods
  • Manish Jha with a summary of key finance papers
  • Grant McDermott on data science for economists
  • Chris Conlon on graduate level IO
  • Matt Woerman on topics in advanced econometrics
  • Florian Oswald on computational economics using Julia
  • Robert A. Miller on structural econometrics
  • Wenhao Li on techniques for macro finance
  • Annie Liang on information and learning
  • Victor Chernozhukov and Ivan Fernandez-Val on graduate-level econometrics
  • Paul Söderlind on financial econometrics
  • Lasse Heje Pedersen on big data asset pricing
  • Matteo Courthoud with a collection of causal inference resources
  • Master's Notes

  • Julien Pénasse on macro and international finance
  • Kevin Sheppard on MFE Financial Econometrics
  • Undergrad Notes

  • Saki Bigio on monetary and financial architectures

    General Notes


  • IMF Back to Basics
  • Page One Economics
  • History of Economic Thought
  • Language, Confusion, and Models in Empirical Economics
  • Open-sourced macro modelsused by central baks and agencies

  • Literature Review

  • Perspectives in sustainable equity investing by Guillaume Coqueret
  • Machine Learning for Factor Investing by Guillaume Coqueret

  • Quantitative Finance

  • J. A. Dobelman with notes on quantitative finance and statistics

  • Recommendations

    Econ & Finance Books

  • Financial Times: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
  • Bloomberg: 2019, 2018, 2017a, 2017b
  • The Economist: 2018
  • Andrew Lo on the best finance books
  • The Pequod with reviews of best fiction and non-fiction
  • Research Digests

  • NBER Digest featuring non-technical summaries
  • Chicago Booth Review
  • VOX, CEPR's Policy Portal
  • AEA Research Highlights
  • Economic Synopses
  • Poverty Action Lab with Policy Insights
  • Productivity Tools

  • Reddit List of useful known websites
  • Compilation of tasks that AI can do today
  • Cool Stuff

  • Food timeline that makes food history fun
  • Compilation of useful twitter threads
  • Musical time machine that makes discovering music fun
  • Musclewiki for simplifying workouts
  • 1000 best tools vetted and maintained by humans
  • Area vibes for finding the best places to live
  • Close City to search based on distance to amenities
  • Standard Ebooks for better formatted e-books
  • 50 simple things for a minimalist life
  • Vetted for summaries of trustworthy reviews
  • Relationship advice from 500 years
  • Numbeo for comparing the cost of living
  • Nifty Calendar for printing out an entire year on one page
  • BookPecker for books summarized in 5 bullet points
  • Library of Short Stories for reading and downloading public short stories
  • The Infatuation for better food and restaurant guides
  • Custom computer screens for taking strategic breaks
  • Giga Brain for reddit-based answers
  • Same Energy for finding images with similar energy
  • How Products Are Made for details behind the manufacturing process of a wide variety of products